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Manuscript Submission


Manuscript: Submission

Submit one anonymous electronic copy of your manuscript to the following e-mail, addressed to the COPAL editors (organized in alphabetical order):

Walcir Cardoso
Rhonda Chung    

To maintain anonymity, please name your file “manuscript” (e.g., “manuscript.doc”, “manuscript.rtf”, “manuscript.pdf”). The preferred formats for submission are MS Word (.doc), RTF (.rtf) and PDF (.pdf). In the body of your e-mail, provide the first author’s name and contact information, including e-mail address, telephone number and conventional mailing address.

To facilitate the blind review process, remove all information identifying the author/s, including acknowledgements, references, etc. These can be added once the paper is approved for publication.

Your manuscript must be single-spaced. If you plan to use tables and figures adapted or reprinted from other sources, you must require permission from the publisher of the original source. The target length for submissions is between 10 and 25 pages, all inclusive.

Concordia University