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Author: GSDE Symposium

Paper Presentation

Antonia Macris is an MA student in Educational Technology at Concordia University and has an interdisciplinary background with graduate degrees in Environment, Public Relations and Communications Management. Her passions aim to intersect the three fields around the topic of global environmental education and sustainable behaviour change communication across corporate, national and international sectors. Antonia has previous work and volunteer experience with UN Environment and other non-profit and youth organizations, and currently works in Higher Education in developing student engagement events programming with experiential learning opportunities. 

 In her talk, Antonia will be presenting her research on the topic of ‘Applications of Emerging Wearable Technologies: From K-12 to Higher Education,’ in examining technological dependency and the shift from technologies as detached tools to an extension of ourselves. Recent behaviour changes in information seeking and consumption have led to increased corporate investments in wearable technology. Scholarly trends will be used to shed light on the functions and applications of these technologies in pedagogy and the classroom, touching on elements of cyber security, technological distractions and institutional systemic strategies for support.


Title: Interdisciplinary Competencies: Collective Creativity for Innovation

The purpose of this workshop is to present ‘interdisciplinarity’ as a teaching and learning strategy to enhance career development and innovation as we transition to a knowledge-technology economy. The theoretical framework in this work is the lens of interdisciplinary competencies identified to foster innovation for solving complex real-world problems such as poverty, housing, healthcare, and education for an evolving knowledge-technology society.

The educational significance of interdisciplinarity is to bring awareness of diverse ways of knowing for innovation. Questions to be explored in this workshop include: What is interdisciplinarity? Why is interdisciplinarity relevant in a knowledge-technology society? What interdisciplinary competencies are needed for innovation? How can such interdisciplinary competencies be implemented to foster innovation?

Interdisciplinarity, also known as cross-disciplinary, can be recognized as lifelong learning that encourages curiosity and exploration of ideas through collaboration and co-mentorship. The following strategies for implementing interdisciplinary competencies will be presented with examples for learning communities:

1. Recognizing prior knowledge and skills;
2. Flipping the innovation pyramid;
3. Thinking inclusively through the lens of relational responsibility;
4. Transforming ideas into action through collaboration and dialogue;
5. Micro-credentials and mini-qualifications;
6. Reflective practices of unlearning and reframing.

Interdisciplinarity is vital for innovation to solve complex real-world problems. In a knowledge-technology society, using interdisciplinarity to stimulate innovation is helpful within a range of settings, including in research, education, and individual career development. We must pay attention to building interdisciplinary competencies by utilizing our collective creativity.

Workshop Presenter

Colleen Knechtel is an interdisciplinary scholar and educator who has worked in career development, disability management, and community engagement. Intrigued by possibilities for career-integrated-learning in schools, she is currently completing a PhD program in the department of Secondary Education at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada.

Round Table

Title: Education & Transition: Rethinking Human-Animal Engagements with(in) a Pandemic

Dragana Mirkovic is a second-year doctoral student and Teaching Assistant at York University. Her work explores children’s inner worlds, focusing on rethinking engagements between spirituality and early childhood education. Kamini Kamdar is a Kindergarten teacher with the York Region District School Board and a second-year doctoral student at York University. Her research includes critical policy studies and pedagogical documentation in early childhood settings. The presentation, Education & Transition: Rethinking Human-Animal Engagements with(in) a Pandemic, turns to explore the call to radically rethink human-animal engagements in order to disrupt human supremacy in education. Focusing on the linkage between common-worlds pedagogies and spirituality, the role of the human is shifted to recognize complex human entanglements with other beings and invite new ways of existing. Consequently, education is reimagined as a project which rests in the messiness of common worlds and takes seriously the complexities of navigating education in a time of transition.

Panel Announced!

Title: Paulo Freire’s 100th Birthday and the Importance of his Legacy today.

Dr. Inny Accioly is professor of Education at the Fluminense Federal University (Brazil). Her research focus on critical pedagogy in a multidisciplinary perspective that relates environmental education, grassroots movements, policy analysis and international and comparative education.

Find more details on our Speakers Page.


Dr. Walter Oman Kohan received his doctorate from Iberoamericana University, in Mexico City, in 1996. His mentor was Matthew Lipman. He did post-doctoral Studies in Philosophy at the University of Paris. Dr. Kohan was a research fellow at EPCD, at the University of British Columbia, 2017-8. He has also been visiting professor at different universities in Italy, France, Argentina, Mexico and Chile.

Find more details on our Speakers Page.

Evening Keynote Speaker Announced!

We are delighted to announce Dr. Susan M. Brigham as our Evening Keynote Speaker.

Susan M. Brigham, PhD is Full Professor in the Faculty of Education at Mount Saint Vincent University (MSVU). She teaches in the Graduate Studies of Lifelong Learning Program and the Inter-University Doctoral Program in Educational Studies. Susan’s research interests include adult and higher education, immigration, diversity, and gender. Susan has conducted research and presented her work in North America, the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, and Europe.

Find more details on our Speakers Page. The topic of Dr. Brigham’s presentation will be announced shortly. Stay tuned for more announcements in the next few days!

Morning Keynote Speaker announced!

We are delighted to announce the Honourable Marlene Jennings as our Morning Keynote Speaker.

Marlene Jennings, who became President of the Quebec Community Groups Network in November 2020, is a retired lawyer and former Member of Parliament who is a valued contributor to Quebec’s English-speaking community on a wide range of issues ranging from education to health and access to justice.

Find more details on our Speakers Page. The topic of her presentation will be announced shortly. Stay tuned for more announcements in the next few days!

Thank you for your submissions!

We would like to thank everyone for submitting the proposals ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

The good news is we have reached new heights in terms of the number of proposals, breaking last year’s record 🙌.

We are very much inspired by your hard work and your dedication to doing research!

Our Abstract Review Team is working hard now to review all submissions and get back to you as soon as possible!!

“I missed the deadline / I didn’t submit any proposals” – some of you may think. Don’t worry, you are still invited to our event on March 13, 2021! If you are interested in attending the event, please follow this link to register:

Stay tuned! We have more news to share with you in the coming weeks! Please subscribe to stay updated:

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GSDE 2021 Schedule is out!

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Our GSDE 2021 conference will take place on Saturday March 13th. This year’s theme will be…

Moving Forward: Navigating Education in a Time of Transition

Taking place since 1998, the Graduate Symposium in the Department of Education is an annual event that provides a safe environment for Graduate students from Concordia University and invited universities to showcase their research, to receive feedback from their peers, to attend presentations and panels, to network with professors and speakers! It is a great opportunity to boost your resume and develop important academic skills!

Register to attend :