Acquiring language efficiently: Research and
Collins, L., & White, J. (in press). An intensive look at intensity and language learning. TESOL Quarterly.
Gatbonton, E., Trofimovich, P., & Segalowitz, N. (in press). Ethnic group affiliation and pattern of development of a phonological variable. Modern Language Journal, 95(2).
McDonough, K., & Trofimovich, P. (in press). Expanding the scope of priming research. In P. Trofimovich & K. McDonough (Eds.), Applying priming methods to L2 learning, teaching and research: Insights from psycholinguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
McDonough, K., & Trofimovich, P. (in press). Psycholinguistic methodologies for comprehension and production. In A. Mackey & S. G. Gass (Eds.), A guide to research methods in second language acquisition. London: Blackwell.
Segalowitz, N., & Trofimovich, P. (in press). Second language processing. In S. Gass & A. Mackey (Eds.), Handbook of second language acquisition. New York: Routledge.
Trofimovich, P., & McDonough, K. (in press). Priming research. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The encyclopedia of applied linguistics. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Trofimovich, P., & McDonough, K. (in press). Using priming methods to study L2 learning and teaching. In P. Trofimovich & K. McDonough (Eds.), Applying priming methods to L2 learning, teaching and research: Insights from psycholinguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Walker, N., Trofimovich, P., Cedergren, H., Gatbonton, E. (accepted). Using ASR technology in language training for specific purposes: A perspective from Quebec, Canada. CALICO Journal.
Trofimovich, P., Collins, L., Cardoso, W., White, J., & Horst, M. (revised and submitted). A frequency-based approach to L2 phonological learning: Teacher input and student output in an intensive ESL context. TESOL Quarterly.
Llama, R., Collins, L., & Cardoso, W. (submitted). Cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of L3 lexis and phonology: The roles of typology and L2 status. Language Learning.
Walker, N., Cedergren, H., Trofimovich, P., & Gatbonton, E.
(submitted). Automatic speech recognition for CALL: In search of a
talking machine that is worth the trouble. Computer Assisted Language