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Terms and Conditions

Any person accessing the Concordia University ("Concordia") website is deemed to accept the following conditions of access. These terms and conditions are to be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Canada and the Province of Quebec.


All Concordia website pages and the content appearing on those pages are the property of Concordia unless otherwise attributed. Failing an indication to the contrary, all documents on Concordia websites have been produced or compiled by Concordia and are protected by copyright.

All documentation on Concordia websites are protected under the Canadian Copyright Act, by the statues, regulations and policies of Canada and Quebec, by international agreements and treaties and by the policies and by-laws of Concordia.

No document appearing on this website or any other website owned, operated or controlled by Concordia may be copied, sold, reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, transmitted or distributed by any means with the exception of downloading or printing the contents of the site for personal, non-commercial use. This use must bear in mind that Concordia reserves its copyright and its rights to exclusivity over the material.

Concordia does not authorize any material on its website or websites owned, operated or controlled by it to be reproduced on other websites. Any such reproduction requires written authorization from a duly authorized representative of Concordia. Concordia also prohibits the direct display of any material from Concordia websites in a frame on another website, or the use of any other method that does not indicate that the material reproduced is the property of Concordia.

The user of Concordia websites acquires no rights or licenses in the Concordia website other than those expressly indicated in the present terms.

Logos and Trademarks

The Concordia University name, its logos, arms, crests, emblems and other symbols used by Concordia and its subsidiary or affiliated organizations and departments are the sole property of Concordia University and are protected by the Canadian Trade-marks Act which reads at article 9:

"9. (1) No person shall adopt in connection with a business, as a trade-mark or otherwise, any mark consisting of, or so nearly resembling as to be likely to be mistaken for, (n) any badge, crest, emblem or mark (ii) of any university... in respect of which the Registrar has, at the request of Her Majesty or of the university or public authority, as the case may be, given public notice of its adoption and use;"

No person may use, display, promote, publish, broadcast or reproduce the Concordia University name, its logos, arms, crests, emblems and other symbols used by Concordia and its subsidiary or affiliated organizations and departments in any form, including electronically, mechanically or on paper without the express written authorization by an authorized representative of Concordia.

This website may contain images that are the trademark property of third parties. Nothing on this website should be interpreted to explicitly or implicitly authorize the display, promotion, publication, broadcast or reproduction of these marks in any form.


Concordia websites may contain links to other web sites. Concordia is neither responsible for the content nor the privacy guidelines of these other sites. Users should verify the privacy policies of sites linked to by Concordia and to exercise good judgment regarding accuracy, and reliability of the information they contain.

Privacy Statement

Concordia University ("Concordia") is committed to respecting the privacy of any user or visitor to their websites ("You"). Any data or information that may be communicated to Concordia by means of any of its websites are protected by the Quebec provincial Act Respecting Access to Documents Held by Public Bodies and the Protection of Personal Information (R.S.Q., chapter A-2.1), which requires Concordia to maintain the confidentiality of all information and data they may collect, such as written, graphic, audio, visual digital, electronic, etc..

What personal information does Concordia collect and maintain?

Concordia usually collects information or data via their websites or email campaigns.

Concordia collects your personal information mainly to stay in touch with You. Email communications in particular are aimed at keeping You informed about Concordia news, events, surveys and fundraising appeals.

Any information or data that may be collected that may allow for the identification of the user is kept and protected as strictly confidential information. This type of information is usually only obtained if provided by You via email, or other communication with Concordia via the website.

While no attempts are made to link individual users to information captured by Concordia websites, the following data may be automatically collected: the IP address from which the site is accessed; the type of browser used to access the website, the date and time the site was accessed; the pages viewed and if applicable, the site that linked the user to the Concordia website. This information would be used to improve the service offered by Concordia websites. Any such information collected by Concordia via its websites will not be transferred to any third parties in accordance with all applicable laws.

Concordia may use cookies to facilitate navigation on its websites. Cookies are special computer files automatically stored on the user's computer. From time to time, Concordia may use cookies to monitor the areas of its websites accessed by users. Any user concerned about cookies may refer to the "help" information in their browser software for more information about cookies, how to disable them and how to delete them.

Concordia websites may contain links to other web sites. Concordia is neither responsible for the content nor the privacy guidelines of these other sites. You should verify the privacy policies of sites linked to by Concordia and to exercise your own good judgment regarding accuracy, and reliability of the information they contain.

Opting out of emails

Concordia collects your personal information mainly to stay in touch with You. Email communications in particular are aimed at keeping You informed about Concordia news, events, surveys and fundraising appeals.

At any time, You may request that Concordia refrain from using your personal information for any of the purposes outlined above. Since some communications programs may already be in progress at the time such a request is received, You may continue to receive communications for a short time while the change is being implemented.

To update your communication preferences, contact Concordia University at:

University Communication Services
1550 Guy St., Suite 606-27 Montreal, QC H3G 1M8
Phone: 514-848-2424, ext. 5807
Fax: 514-848-3383


Concordia University