Le Symposium des cycles supérieurs en éducation / le 7 mai, 2009

...l'apprentissage qui transforme

Condensés des tables rondes

contact: symposium@education.concordia.ca

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Sandplay as educational tool

The proposed presentation will focus on Sandplay therapy approach, which has first started to be used with children, experiencing difficulties at the educational settings or/and in their relationships. It is still primarily associated with therapy for children; however it is moreand more used with adults. There was serious work done at schools, presentingsandplay as a therapeutic group approach facilitating learning. It has shownparticularly helpful when used with children recently immigrating to Canada. Asa non- or less-verbal type of therapy, operating through symbolic language,providing a multisensory experience, sandplay has multidimensional methods at its disposal. Sandplay process allows resolving inner conflicts and creating better inner integrity of the individuals.

The presentation will include a slide demonstrationof the images of the trays created by the participants of the PhD research, done with adults, recently immigrated to Canada. It will be followed by the discussion around the potential of the use of sandplay as facilitating learning process.

Keywords: Sandplay therapy, symbolic expression, inner integrity

A French artist's perspective on art education inCanada

This presentation will focus on issues surrounding of the construction of the artist's identity in the North American context, from the perspective of art education, research, and art. It will also examine the scientific aspect of research methods. As a French artist living in Canada, I bridge two cultures. My goal is to bring a Canadian perspective to French Universities, and a French one to Canadian Universities.

L'implantation de tâches d'évaluation complexes  dans l'éducation en ligne

Beaucoup de matériel de cours est converti enformat électronique, mais souvent, les efforts faits par les enseignants pouraccompagner ces cours en ligne par une évaluation en ligne correspondante sontmanquants. Ce projet de recherche vise à développer des tâches d'évaluationcomplexes en contexte authentique pour accompagner les programmesd'enseignement à distance sur l'Internet. Afin de réaliser ces objectifs, unmoteur de présentation de tâches d'évaluation complexes en contexte authentiquea été réalisé. Des modèles éducationnels ont été développés pour permettre auxenseignants d'utiliser l'évaluation en ligne dans leur cours. Des modèlesd'interface usager ont été développés pour assurer l'affichage de ces tâches d'évaluation sur des sites Internet d'apprentissage à distance et des modèlesde données ont été développés pour convertir et entreposer des tâchesd'évaluation sur des serveurs Web.

Mots-clefs: évaluation, tâches d'évaluation, éducation en ligne

Lessons for a Science and Art Integrated Curriculum

Zero Gravity Gardening: an Art and Science LessonPlan.

I recently conducted a research project examiningthe role of an artist within an art and science integrated curriculum approach.Using the Participant Observation method, I recorded my experiences with theMolecules of Life Project (M.L.P.), which partners Art Education students from Concordia with Science students from U de M. The pairs formulate an hour long lesson involving science experiments and art activities which they then present to grade 3 and 4 students. The goals of my research were to communicateexpectations and advice to students wishing to participate in the M.L.P., aswell as determine areas of possible improvement for the program.

I will present a revision and expansion of an M.L.P. lesson. The art activity utilizes an understanding of the essential elements needed for plan growth. Students are instructed to conceptualize and build a model space garden, a spaceship or space station designed to support plant life. Aspects of the lesson, which value exploration and expression, are grounded in Art Education theory.

While the majority of my presentation will focus on the lesson, I welcome questions regarding my experiences with the M.L.P., the Participant Observation method, and the results of my research.

Keywords: Art & Science, Lesson plan, Integrated Curriculum

Manifestation d'une littératie critique chez des analphabètes.

by Audrey Dahl

audrey.dahl @ education.concordia.ca

Pendant neuf semaines, un groupe de 12 participants dans une démarche d’alphabétisation dans un centre d’éducation populaire du Sud-Ouest de Montréal a participé à un atelier de littératie médiatique. Les ateliers ont été créés par la chercheure et l’animatrice en alphabétisation à partir du vécu et des intérêts des participants et ceux-ci ont participé à l’élaboration des ateliers en évaluant chacun des ateliers et en les orientant vers leurs besoins d’apprentissage. L’approche pédagogique ainsi que la démarche de recherche a tenté de solliciter l’implication de tous les acteurs~: la chercheure, l’animatrice en alphabétisation et les apprenants dans le développement d’une forme de littératie critique envers les médias. Les données recueillies tentent d’informer la création d’un atelier de littératie médiatique en explorant comment se développe la littératie critique quand on ne possède pas les habilités de littératie opérationnelle.".


Emergence. Why do rivers bend? Why do ducks fly in a V-pattern? From where do language and social customs come? The answers rely on decentralized control. In a river,water following on the outside meets less resistance than water flowing on theinside, so the outer water flows more quickly. The faster the flow the quicker the erosion of the bank. Eroded sediment from outside settles across the inside, because the dirt meets less resistance there. So a river bend exaggerates itself overtime. Like water, ducks also appreciate the path of least resistance. As a duck flies, she create a vortex of pressure difference behind each wing tip. Other ducks find these lift zones which reduce their energy expenditure, following a sort of 'law of conservation'. It is said that "time on task" is the surest way to learning, for example, that immersion in a language produces mastery. Perhaps learning is an emergent phenomena, a result of combining ingredients into situations where cognitive change is the simplest path.

Keywords: emergence, epistemology, education

An exploratory study of the multiple roles modelled by Teachers of English as Second Language in multicultural classrooms inMontreal

This study explored and described themain roles Teachers of English as Second Language are called upon to model inculturally diverse adult education classrooms in Montreal. Eleven experienced ESL teachers, froman MA program in an English language university and others employed by anInternational Language School attracting mainly new immigrant students inMontreal, participated in the study.

Through a process of journaling andfocus group discussions, the ESL Teachers arrived at a list of seven majorroles in terms of centrality to their practice and chosen from among fortyroles inventoried through the process. These seven roles are: expert/teacher, motivator/cheerleader, listener/counselor, culturebroker, curriculum designer, evaluator, and guide/facilitator. Three major concerns were identified: a) the degree of involvement in the learners' lives, b) excessive time and energy requirementsof the job and c) the question of ESL Teacher's lack of choice with respect to resource materials for teaching and an imposed curriculum.

Two main recommendations emerged: a) developing a cooperative and communitarian peer-support system; b) developing in-service education programs that incorporate issues of gender, age, race and sexual orientation, among others, so as to empower teachers not to fear and retreat when these issues arise in their classrooms.

Keywords: English as a Second Language (ESL), multiculturalism, teaching

Transculturalism and the Integration of CriticalMulticultural, Anti-Racist, and Black Feminist Anti-Racist Pedagogy to GenerateSocial Justice

Current debates andheated public dialogue about multicultural issues, minority rights, andquestions over reasonable accommodation underline the social importance of howto best understand, conceptualize and approach multiculturalism within aneducational context. We examine and explore differing perspectives andcontrasting foundational approaches to multiculturalism to identify anddetermine the common criteria which support a social justice agenda andfacilitate social change. We provide a deeper understanding of criticalmulticultural, anti-racist, critical, and black feminist theory/pedagogy toidentify shared fundamental principles upon which all of thesetheories/pedagogies are founded. We expand on and go beyond multiculturaltheory into the realities of transculturalism/transnationalism - a gap in thebody of literature. These theories/pedagogies aim to support education as ameans for liberation and social transformation, and focus on the empowerment ofindividuals, the development of critical consciousness among students, and therecognition of hegemonic power, and 'social arrangements' that effectivelysupport dominant ruling class interests; they go beyond simple, superficialconservative and liberal multicultural approaches to promote genuine socialchange. Recommendations for teacher education programs reflecting the changingideals of trans-cultural diversityin Canada so as to produce citizens of the future to be effective locally, nationallyand globally will be discussed.

Keywords: teacher education, transculturalism, critical multiculturalism

Within the Framework of Motivation: The Acquisition Of Psychological Skills by Managers

The following is my abstract that is included in my research report (I have copy pasted it as it is): "Managerial policies and strategies embedded by corporations today are expected to change due to the 2008 financial crisis. As an endeavour to understand the role of a manager as a motivator in times of stability as well as in present times of instability, this study raises the question of whether a manager needs to be more of a leader or a psychologist to motivate employees, and how this role would change in times of crisis. To comprehend the managerial skills that characterize the current role of a motivator and to ascertain desired skills needed to motivate employees, questionnaires were given to managers and employees working in different banks in Canada, including the five major banks, and in one of the major banks located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Furthermore, an interview was held with a performance consultant to discuss the learning content of training programs that concentrate on the development of motivational strategies" (Bakir, 2009).

Keywords: financial crisis, motivation strategies, managerial skills

Pseudoscience Fair

My project consists of a written lesson plan to introduce the concept of pseudoscience in a science fair activity. Borrowing from the science fair convention, project information will be displayed on a tri-fold piece cardboard form.

World-systemanalysis and education

World-system analysis offers an explanation of the underdevelopment of the 'Third World' by developed countries. This includes economic and social subjugation. This paper will explore various facets of the world-system approach, its interpretation of the origin of the social sciences, and how this effects current educational structures/systems in the 'Third World'.

Keywords: World-system analysis, Education, Third World