Our Mission
The mission of the 2014 Graduate Symposium in the Department of Education
(GSDE) is to provide students with the opportunity to showcase interdisciplinary research,
learn valuable conference skills, and foster research and professional collaboration.
Our Theme
The theme of the 2014 Graduate Symposium in the Department of Education is Reshaping
Education: Connections, Communities and Criticality. We hope you will join us on
April 11, 2014 to be part of the conversation. We aim to provide a supportive space to share
knowledge and to transform our understanding of education, knowledge production and critical
practices within an interdisciplinary community.
Our Team
Here is our team of student organizers. If you are interested in helping us out, read about how you can volunteer.
Emily Sheepy | Symposium Chair

I am a Master's student in Educational Technology, with a focus on usability of learning environments, researcher development and program evaluation.
Stefan Krueger | Project Management & Catering

I am an instructional designer and student of the MA in Educational Technology program. My main interests are in instructional theory, curriculum design, and organizational development.
Dustin Crowther | Space & Equipment

I am currently persuing my M.A. in Applied Linguistics, with a focus on the perception of second language (L2) comprehensibility and accent. Other research interests include classroom approaches to L2 acquisition and the use of English as a Lingua Franca.
Harry Kavallos | Branding & Web Development

Graduate student working towards completing a Master of Arts in the Educational Technology field with an interest in system analysis, web design and development, and online learning environments.
Miranda Ross | Finance & Promotions

I am a Master's student in Educational Technology with an interest in program development and delivery, special needs education and art education.
Niloofar Bakhshaee | Outreach & Translations

I am in Educational Technology Master's program. My professional interests are both in knowledge/skill development and performance improvement in the work environment.
John Roberts | Workshops, Space & Equipment

I am currently pursing a Master's degree in Educational Technology. My research interests are Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, aesthetic considerations in e-learning and Plain English writing for instructional design.
Stella Carolina Stella | Outreach & Translations
I'm an M.A. student in Applied Linguistics and I'm interested in curriculum design, syllabus planning, teacher training and phonetics.
Suzanne Cerreta | Keynote Speakers
I'm an MA student in Applied Linguistics interested in speech, phonology and speech perception. I am owner and founder of
AccentGuru where I have taught accents and dialects to actors in NYC for over ten years. My goals are to bridge the gap between speech for theatre and linguistic research and to create a web interface/mobile app to help learners with pronunciation, accented speech, and dialect learning.
Heather deLagran | Finance

I am in the final stages of a Mater's in Educational Technology. I am interested in multi-media design and technology integration. I research digital citizenship and the line between socially reponsibile online behaviour and cyberbullying. I am also a contract educational consultant and ID for several organizations.
Ata Hatami | Catering

Hi. I am currently pursuing my M.A. in Educational Technology and I am interested in designing multimedia instructional materials for industries that need better training materials. I am also interested in human cognition and would love to assess the effects of different learning materials and methods on human learning and behavior.
Zoe Zou | Social Media Outreach

Hi, I am currently a grad student in Educational Technology. I am interested in language teaching and cross-culture teaching and learning.
Jon Summers
Elementary school teacher and graduate student in Educational Studies with an interest in philosophy, politics, and social change. Loves playing tetherball at recess. Allergic to peanuts.
Meg Grieve
Graduate student in Educational Studies, and an elementary school teacher. I'm interested in social justice, action research, place-based education, education policy and curriculum.
Liz Warwick | External Media Outreach

Karla Green | Outreach

Hassan Nitami