Keynote Speaker


An international expert who has pioneered research on cyberbullying over the last decade. Define the Line aims to help clarify the blurred lines between cyberbullying and digital citizenship, with a focus on policymaking, education and law.

Define the Line
Clarifying the blurred lines between cyberbullying and digital citizenship

Define the Line is a research program based at McGill University and directed by Dr Shaheen Shariff, an international expert who has pioneered research on cyberbullying over the last decade. Through website, research projects (Facebook, SSHRC), and outreach initiatives, Define the Line aims to help clarify the blurred lines between cyberbullying and digital citizenship, with a focus on policymaking, education and law. The research program contributes to an important niche in mobilizing knowledge about the emerging landscape of legal, policy and educational responses as they evolve to address new challenges, as digital and social media take over as central mediums of communication in society.

Shaheen Shariff, Ph.D.,
Director, Define the Line
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
Associate Member, Faculty of Law and Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism
Affiliate Scholar, Center for Internet and Society, Stanford University Law